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About Us

We here at Got Guides are passionate about getting people out and exploring the world with the help of knowledgeable tour guides. Got Guides was founded in 2023 by Preston after he realized the need for an affordable and reliable tour site that was guide focused and not tour focused. Often times, when you sign up for a tour you have no choice in who your guide is going to be; so, we at Got Guides wanted to change this to give you the ability to choose both your guide and to choose your tour.

We have decided to make Argentina our first country of operation. Argentina is a very diverse country that has every type of landscape and climate you can imagine. You have access to the beach, mountains, tropics, desert and one of the largest waterfalls in the world. Furthermore, the opportunities to explore and experience the beautiful culture in Argentina are endless. Argentina is famous for many things but some of the highlights are endless steak, world class wine, the original empanadas and tango among others. It even has one of the biggest cities in Latin America, Buenos Aires, and the most southern city in the world, Ushuaia. We hope that you will find the same magic in Argentina as we do through booking an experience with expert tour guides here at Got Guides.

Preston owner of Got Guides with a banner.